Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The StressEraser

The StressEraser is a small, portable and accurate biofeedback stress reduction device. It works by helping you relax your body and calm your mind by guiding you to change your breathing and your focus.

What you see on the screen is a wave which represents the pattern of your pulse rate. A series of triangles appear on the screen that work as cues to modify your breathing. The StressEraser is designed to guide your breathing with these cues.

Proper breathing changes the way your body responds to stress. When we become stressed too often, our nerves respond faster and more strongly to stress. We become stressed more easily, more quickly, and more intensely.

Proper breathing changes the way your body responds to stress. The StressEraser measures the effects of breathing on the parasympathetic system, and uses this information to guide you into relaxation.